• Question: Dont you think its unfair that eggs ,that arent used, just get destroyed?

    Asked by rhiaaannon to Vicki on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Vicki Onions

      Vicki Onions answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Hi Rhiaannon,
      Good question, but I just wondered who you thought this was unfair to who? In the normal menstrual cycle, every month one, or sometimes 2, eggs develop and are ovulated. If there is no sperm to fertilise the egg, the egg just dies and degenerates. So, if you think about it, every month eggs that aren’t used just get destroyed. The problem with IVF is that someone has to take the decision to do this rather than nature doing it for you.
      I guess if the woman whose eggs they are didn’t agree to them being destroyed then that would be unfair.
      Also, those eggs that aren’t needed by the woman who produced them, could in theory be donated for someone else, who can’t produce their own eggs, to use for themselves. So, if you mean this, then i guess if they were destroyed insetead of being donated i guess that could be seen as being unfair. However that would be the decision for the woman who produced them as they are her eggs!
