• Question: Also in school at the minute we are doing sex and science. We have watched A video of somepne giving birth and Labour has put me off having a child when i am older. my mum did not have to go through labour with me because she planned my birth and had a Caesarean would i be able to do that??

    Asked by fifi123 to Claire, Greg, Jane, Jo, Nuruz, Vicki on 18 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Vicki Onions

      Vicki Onions answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      I think certain hospitals / clinics allow for elective caesarians (that means you can choose to do them) but not all. I have never had a child so i can’;t tell you how painful it is, but my mum assures me that you forget the pain straight afterwards – i guess you must otherwise no one would have more than 1 child would they!! Plus there are drugs now to ease the pain and epidurals (though they make me feel a bit squeamish too!!)

    • Photo: Claire O'Donnell

      Claire O'Donnell answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      Probably not unless there was a medical problem. I’m glad everything went ok for you and your mum but c sections are a risky business for mums and babes. They also use up lots of doctors and nurses time which is fine if you or the babe are sick but not so fine otherwise- you could be delaying spmeone who is really ill getting into theater for a section.
      Labour isn’t as bad as you think. I remember feeling like you when I first saw a baby born in real life but it’s different when it’s your turn., if it was as bad as all that we’d all be only children! Obviously some people have a bad time but mostly people think it’s worth it. You recover a lot faster than if you’ve had a section coz you haven’t had an operation.
      you can have drugs if you’re in pain and as soon as the baby is out, it stops hurting. Everything goes back to normal faster than you might think.
