• Question: If you can do ANY job in the world, what would it be.

    Asked by johnruby to Claire, Greg, Jane, Jo, Nuruz, Vicki on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by harryj3105, jimbob69.
    • Photo: Vicki Onions

      Vicki Onions answered on 19 Jun 2010:

      oooooohhh, difficult one…….hmmmmmmm…..eeeerrrr
      i suppose deep down, i always regretted not going to train to be a vet, i would love to have been a large animal vet

    • Photo: Claire O'Donnell

      Claire O'Donnell answered on 19 Jun 2010:

      I would like to be one of those lawyer types who can argue so well and persuasively that courtrooms gasp and whole nations are turned around- like Nelson Mandela, that sort of thing. Then in the afternoon I’d be a cook in a bistro doing cakes and other things with cous cous and the other stuff that my children refuse to eat. Obviously this answer assumes that I had the skill to do these jobs which I haven’t;)

    • Photo: Jo Broadbent

      Jo Broadbent answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      I really enjoy my current job – I’m v lucky! The exciting thing about my job is that I look at ALL areas of health. From the health of unborn babies to the health problems of the very old. Imagine you had 1 million pounds to spend on making your whole town healthier. What would you do? Would you encourage more people to give up smoking, or have more dentists, or more heart surgeons, or pay for more ivf? Now imagine you had to spend 1 million less than is spent now. What would you cut? Are dentists or heart doctors or ivf least important to the health of your town? Using science to try to answer those sorts of questions is what I do. Jo

    • Photo: Jane Cleal

      Jane Cleal answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      I sometimes think it would be fun to be a zoo keeper and play with all the exciting animals! They probably wouldn’t like me playing with the animals though, and would sack me!

    • Photo: Greg FitzHarris

      Greg FitzHarris answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Hmmmm. I love my job, so ill say, my job, but with a Lawyers pay, so i can get a bigger house and a cool car (mine is a spectacular grocery-getter!!)
