• Question: if you want IVF how long would you have to wait to have it?

    Asked by georgia1 to Claire, Greg, Jane, Jo, Nuruz, Vicki on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Vicki Onions

      Vicki Onions answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      I think that depends on which area you are in – different areas are covered by different health authourities which have different guidelines i think. Some of the other scientists may be better at answering this. I think you have to have been trying for a baby for quite a long time (range of years rather than months) before you can be considered.

    • Photo: Claire O'Donnell

      Claire O'Donnell answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Not long at all now. The last government had a rule that you had to recieve treatment within 18 weeks of the doctor saying you needed any treatment so that’s about 3 months tops. In fact for fertility treatment this isn’t great. There’s research evidence to suggest that if people are on a waiting list for a year almost 20% of them will get pregnant tehmselves without any treatment. We used to ask people who were under 35 to wait for a year after the doctor said they needed IVF (unless there was a reason that made it impossible for them to get pregnant) then those who got pregnant were saved from having some pretty unpleasant treatment and the money saved could be used to treat someone else who needed fertility treatment.
      I guess people prefer to get treated quickly though because they often are very unhappy and worried by that stage. I’m sure it can be very hard to think of everyone else at times like that
