• Question: what descoverys have you made

    Asked by beckys to Claire, Greg, Jane, Jo, Nuruz, Vicki on 20 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by luciemyers, lea3.
    • Photo: Jane Cleal

      Jane Cleal answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      I have discovered how amino acids (a type of food) cross from the mums blood to the baby’s blood when it is in the womb. This will help us make sure the baby is getting enough food in the womb and also that it grows properly.

    • Photo: Vicki Onions

      Vicki Onions answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      Most of the discoveries i have made are that some things that people think might help ovaries survive the freezing process, don’t!! For example, some people thought that a substance called S-1-P would help stop cells dying – i showed that it doesn’t!! I am still waiting for that big break through!

    • Photo: Greg FitzHarris

      Greg FitzHarris answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      hi there. my top three discoveries are… in no particular order..

      1. I worked out a particular way that eggs ‘talk’ to other cells in the ovary. If they dont do this well, they’ll die.

      2. I worked out a particular way in which the spindle (see my profile… its like a machine which moves chromosomes around when cells divide) stays the right length in eggs. This is important, because if the spindle behaves wrongly… then can cause infertility (see profile)

      3. Me and a colleague proved that a particular protein which many people expected to be important for egg quality and infertility is in fact probably not involved at all (ie the ‘hyopthesis’ was wrong — see question about predictions and hypotheses)

    • Photo: Claire O'Donnell

      Claire O'Donnell answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      i once found out which enzyme changed nitrite an proteins into cancer causing compounds but that was only in lab conditions. I donly know if it would have been the same in people’s bodies

    • Photo: Jo Broadbent

      Jo Broadbent answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      I cloned a gene involved in the development of the heart in zebrafish. It turns on in very early embryo cells when they are becoming different types of cells eg heart cells or neurons or whatever. The gene seemed to be involved in telling cells to become heart or intestine cells. Jo
