• Question: Which area of health do you look at?

    Asked by jorgaliee to Jo on 20 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Jo Broadbent

      Jo Broadbent answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      The exciting thing about my job is that I look at ALL areas of health. From the health of unborn babies to the health problems of the very old. Imagine you had 1 million pounds to spend on making your whole town healthier. What would you do? Would you encourage more people to give up smoking, or have more dentists, or more heart surgeons, or pay for more ivf? Now imagine you had to spend 1 million less than is spent now. What would you cut? Are dentists or heart doctors or ivf least important to the health of your town? Using science to try to answer those sorts of questions is what I do. Jo
