• Question: Which of the areas you have worked in would you say was the most rewarding?

    Asked by elliebvt to Claire on 20 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Claire O'Donnell

      Claire O'Donnell answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      That’s a really hard one! Looking back I think probably the IVF. I say that because although I like to think that most of the services I’ve worked with are improved afterwards, the IVF Stuff was a real mess when we started. No agreement on which treatments were best, different rules on who could get NHS treatment, lots of doctors who weren’t particularily specialists in this. That’s all changed now and at least where I work things are fairer and the services are better. We were able to give patients a big say in the decisions and we were also able to ask ordinary people for their views so it felt as though at the end we had something that most people thought was the right thing and the people who didn’t agree at least understood why things were like that:)
