• Question: Why is it that when someone is dying of an illness , they have to suffer because there not aloud to buy the drugs?

    Asked by chelseyxx1 to Vicki on 24 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Vicki Onions

      Vicki Onions answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      Chelsey, its horrible isn’t it, that you see these people in the papers (or even, heaven forbid know someone experiencing this) who are suffering horrible illnesses but can’t get the drugs becasue the health authority can’t afford to pay for them. Its a sad fact but unfortunately in our system of free health care (which is pretty amazing really, if you compare us to other countries who don’t get any health care for free, like the USA), the pot of money is not endless and so tough decisions have to be made as to how and where the money is spent to provide the best service and to the best effect – and the decision is never taken likely. All the information has to be weighed up and eventually a decision made. In an ideal world, then no one would want for the drugs they need; but unforunately these hard choices have to be made i’m just glad i’m not the one who has to make them!
